About - Anna Honeychurch Artist
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Artist Statement and Bio

The work of Tasmanian born artist Anna Honeychurch is a fusion between art and the human sciences focusing on the philosophical, psychological and social aspects of our existence.


Anna is a conceptual artist. Her interest is in the junction between our conscious and subconscious worlds and the presentation and possibility at this point of  a new paradigm. She utilises metaphor in her work as a way of bypassing the logical mind and stimulating the imagination.


Honeychurch’s work combines painting, photography, installation and writing. Found objects for sculptural works are reframed and concepts are reformed. Her ambitious paintings and installations are both emotive and intellectually engaging portraying a sense of adventure and a narrative cognisant of a time and place previously not experienced.


Anna’s current work takes a look at culture with its pivotal role in the subordination of women and the implications of the power and control mechanisms embedded within society that have promoted gender inequality and inequity.  Her current work also honours the strength and courage of the many women who have been deeply affected by this inequality.


Anna has recently completed her third year of study at the Byron School of Art and studied a Diploma of Art and Design in Tasmania in 2002. She exhibited at the Inaugural Art Fair Brisbane in 2008 and was selected as a feature artist for the Byron Bay Art Diary. Honeychurch exhibited in group exhibitions with the Byron School of Art “Emergence” in 2016, “Nine” in 2017 and “Untitled” in 2018 and was chosen as the recipient for the Student BSA Ralph Woodford Residency for 2018.  Anna is currently working toward her first solo exhibition in 2019 and studying visual arts with Southern Cross University NSW.